‘John’ STFS

The situation is developing quite nicely. I am in discussion with a person from the charity arm of PNE and he is in the process of organising a visit to John at the home.

The question of when has still to be established but should be resolved tomorrow when I visit John at the home. I will find out the best option from the home and ask about whether he can attend games or not in the future, whether he would need a wheelchair if so and also if he is able to access the games on telly.

When I have answers to all these questions we will know whether he can attend on Boxing day. I don't think it's likely to be honest, however, if he can, I will have to ask if one of you guys could take him as I can't make it on Boxing Day.

We should have most if not all the answers tomorrow. Following my visit I'm hoping to meet with the PNE representative to thrash out the details and I'll report back with details tomorrow evening.
The situation is developing quite nicely. I am in discussion with a person from the charity arm of PNE and he is in the process of organising a visit to John at the home.

The question of when has still to be established but should be resolved tomorrow when I visit John at the home. I will find out the best option from the home and ask about whether he can attend games or not in the future, whether he would need a wheelchair if so and also if he is able to access the games on telly.

When I have answers to all these questions we will know whether he can attend on Boxing day. I don't think it's likely to be honest, however, if he can, I will have to ask if one of you guys could take him as I can't make it on Boxing Day.

We should have most if not all the answers tomorrow. Following my visit I'm hoping to meet with the PNE representative to thrash out the details and I'll report back with details tomorrow evening.

Brilliant Roy, youve gone above & beyond here !
I'm away from 21st to the 30th so cant help in that period unfortunately but as I said happy to contribute to any costs for transport / carers etc
The situation is developing quite nicely. I am in discussion with a person from the charity arm of PNE and he is in the process of organising a visit to John at the home.

The question of when has still to be established but should be resolved tomorrow when I visit John at the home. I will find out the best option from the home and ask about whether he can attend games or not in the future, whether he would need a wheelchair if so and also if he is able to access the games on telly.

When I have answers to all these questions we will know whether he can attend on Boxing day. I don't think it's likely to be honest, however, if he can, I will have to ask if one of you guys could take him as I can't make it on Boxing Day.

We should have most if not all the answers tomorrow. Following my visit I'm hoping to meet with the PNE representative to thrash out the details and I'll report back with details tomorrow evening.

Great work Roy 👍👍
I went to see John this afternoon and this is what transpired. He was in bed, his room is very small but he is happy and comfortable. He has a telly at the end of the bed.

The answers to our questions went something like this: (I did take notes so as not to forget anything)

I said "are you capable of attending a game"? "No"

Do you watch footy on the telly? No, not really interested.

What if you had help getting to the game? Not interested anymore.

What if you had a wheelchair? I have one but I don't want to be seen in it.

How are you feeling in yourself, are you OK? Yes I feel alright thanks.

Do you feel up to having a visit from someone at PNE? Yes that would be OK. From this I guess he would be OK with any one of us visiting, although conversation isn't easy.

Would you like to receive a PNE shirt signed by some of the players? Eyes brightened a little and he said YES please. 😀

I told him lots of people have been asking about him and his welfare and he seemed pleased with that.

Having wished him well I left him and went to speak with the manager. I asked her if John got to watch football on the television and she said they don't have sky.

What if one of the people who have been asking after John could fix it so that he could if he wanted to, would you have a problem with that? No, no problem at all. Visits from any of us would by OK.

Having made my exit, I phoned the guy at the PNE community and Education Trust to sort out the signing of the shirt. Subsequently I got it and left it with them as he had gone to a meeting and left the message that the delivery of the shirt and other stuff they were putting together would now probably be after Christmas.

I have permission to give details so here goes. His name is John Toothill and the home is Swansea Terrace, 108-114 Watery Lane, Ashton, Preston, PR2 1AT 01772 736689. If I've missed anything, I'm sorry. Any other questions, ask away and I'll try to answer them. Cheers all and thanks for help & support.

I'm not sure about divulging details of who has been involved at PNE so can't supply those names yet. Sozzzzz.
Wow that’s brilliant Roy - warmest regards to you and John from over in Belfast.

Genuinely heartwarming and I hope someone will do that for me one day.

My wife is quite a lot younger than me and she’ll probably have done one by then!