Economic migrants or refugees?

The starting point has got to be people in power acknowledging we have a problem in this country with immigration and we have a problem with Islam.

That doesn't mean we have a problem with all immigrants or the whole muslim population, not even a majority of them.

It doesnt mean we don't have other problems in this country that need addressing also.

It doesnt mean we are going to blanket ban all immigration, outlaw Islam or send millions of people back to their homeland

I challenge everyone to simply say it - it is quite evidently true and I do not know why we seek to hide it away, tiptoe around it, deflect to other issues or pretend it doesnt exist.

No problem can be resolved when people refuse to acknowledge it exists.

trouble is folk in the uk are oblivious to rest of world, the view from outside the goldfish bowl of uk (as someone taught aboad 11/16), you cant come from a nation that controlled 1/3 of the world & have a problem about immigration, its a juxtaposition im affraid, its ok for us to have gone round the world planting the old flag as expats but heaven help folk coming here to better themselves for their families sake & we dont like boot on the other foot,
trouble is folk in the uk are oblivious to rest of world, the view from outside the goldfish bowl of uk (as someone taught aboad 11/16), you cant come from a nation that controlled 1/3 of the world & have a problem about immigration, its a juxtaposition im affraid, its ok for us to have gone round the world planting the old flag as expats but heaven help folk coming here to better themselves for their families sake & we dont like boot on the other foot,

If I were to live somewhere else, I would not be contributing to the black economy and I would likely bring more money into the country than I would take out.
As for empire/colonialism etc…well that’s a much more complex issue and I can’t be arsed going there any more.
If I were to live somewhere else, I would not be contributing to the black economy and I would likely bring more money into the country than I would take out.
As for empire/colonialism etc…well that’s a much more complex issue and I can’t be arsed going there any more.

Neither do the vast majority of immigrants
I was just about to post the same link myself. I don’t think I have ever seen the telegraph comments section go in to meltdown so quickly.

There will be “ another side” to this story I am sure but references to the “ International Health Service” and Stories of people who have lived and paid taxes here all their lives not being able to access health services whilst those who have entered the country illegally jump the queue really hit home . A link to a tweet in there.

Would be interesting to see which part of the country that is. We have asylum seekers registered where I work. They are certainly not filling the surgery, although they get twice as long with a GP as a British person does, because they need translators. They do however get free stuff that a person born here would not get. Like prescriptions, dental care, eye care.
The NHS staffing records
roughly 18% of 1.5 million then? - 270000
and how many immigrants have arrived over rthe last 10 years? the vast majority over the last 2 years do not work for the NHS.
Plus - do none of the 270000 buy drugs, use dodgy sticks, use prostitutes, buy stolen goods, buy cheap booze, buy cheap cigarettes - all of this contributes to the black economy.
I'm not saying they are any worse than our own, just questioning the source of phils info, as I really dont think NHS employment records gives us that.

Something doesnt add up here, in the GB news story hes described as being 41 year old.

A specialist tribunal was told that the 41-year-old man would be targeted by violent gangs in Jamaica for his bisexuality if he returned to his homeland.
It then went on to say hes been in Britain since he was 18, so circa 23 years
However, the Home Office argued that evidence showed AA had only been in relationships with women since his arrival to Britain aged 18.
But it then says he only arrived in Britain in 2021
He was branded a “danger to the community” by the Home Office, who claimed he should be sent home under the 2002 Asylum Act.

However, that decision was challenged by the criminal, who was brought to the UK in 2021 by a relative after being attacked several times in Jamaica due to his sexuality.

The man - referred to as AA - told the tribunal that he was attacked with a machete, a metal bar and dogs.

It was also claimed that an older man he was in a relationship with was later killed for being gay.

Then it says he was jailed in 2018 for 7 years

The migrant, who was granted anonymity for his own protection, was sentenced to seven years in prison in 2018 for the rape.

I always like to attempt to fact check this type of tweet but this makes absolutely no sense at all.
Something doesnt add up here, in the GB news story hes described as being 41 year old.

It then went on to say hes been in Britain since he was 18, so circa 23 years

But it then says he only arrived in Britain in 2021

Then it says he was jailed in 2018 for 7 years

I always like to attempt to fact check this type of tweet but this makes absolutely no sense at all.

So he’ll be attacked in the same way he attacked someone… Sod him.
So has he been here over 20 years or had he only recntly arrived?

None of this story makes sense.

Including the anonymity part.
So he’ll be attacked in the same way he attacked someone… Sod him.

but we all know it's bullshit and he isn't at rsik - just as most of the 'christians' and 'homosexuals' from the middle east are playing the system with the help of lawyers using tax payers money. - the lawyers shoudl be struck off for helping facilitate this crap.
but we all know it's bullshit and he isn't at rsik - just as most of the 'christians' and 'homosexuals' from the middle east are playing the system with the help of lawyers using tax payers money. - the lawyers shoudl be struck off for helping facilitate this crap.

Lawyers should be struck off for doing their job?

Its getting closer by the day.

so weve seen judges should be sacked, now lawyers, its all starting to sound very familiar.

Can someone make this story make sense?

All I see is pitchforks out and nobody, including myself, has been availed of any facts. Just a story that the right wing media dont seem to be able to get their heads together to mae a story that they all agree with,

Theyre not holding back important facts are they?

The only facts I get from attempting to piece the story together is that a guy spent time inside for rape.

None of the rest of the story adds up
Lawyers should be struck off for doing their job?

Its getting closer by the day.

so weve seen judges should be sacked, now lawyers, its all starting to sound very familiar.

Can someone make this story make sense?

All I see is pitchforks out and nobody, including myself, has been availed of any facts. Just a story that the right wing media dont seem to be able to get their heads together to mae a story that they all agree with,

Theyre not holding back important facts are they?

The only facts I get from attempting to piece the story together is that a guy spent time inside for rape.

None of the rest of the story adds up

You forgot about the part where he went on to rape again. But still won’t be deported.
You forgot about the part where he went on to rape again. But still won’t be deported.

I will continue to say that we dont have all the facts of the case and I suspect there may be a very important part. or several missing, come to that, so I wont be availing myself of a pitchfork without these important facts.

Anyway do carry on.