
Heres a surprise, said nobody

Heres a surprise, said nobody

Theyre no longer even hiding how much theyre taking the piss out of us all.
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Theyre no longer even hiding how much theyre taking the piss out of us all.

Obviously Judges are above " conflicts of interest "... No question. 🙄

Actually ( if this is true ) then any honest Judge would have stepped down and said why...
Obviously Judges are above " conflicts of interest "... No question. 🙄

Actually ( if this is true ) then any honest Judge would have stepped down and said why...

A judge criticised for handing prison sentences to three fracking protesters has family links to the oil and gas industry.

Judge Robert Altham jailed Simon Blevins, 26, Richard Roberts, 36, and Richard Loizou, 31, over their demonstration at a Cuadrilla site.

The trio, known as the “Fracking Three”, are believed to be the first environmental activists to be imprisoned for public nuisance since 1932.

Critics have claimed the punishment was “manifestly excessive”. Now the Daily Mirror can reveal the Altham family business supplies the Irish Sea oil and gas industry.

J.C. Altham and Sons is believed to be part of the supply chain for energy giant Centrica, which has invested tens of millions of pounds in fracking.

Judge Altham’s sister, Jane Watson, put her name to an open letter in favour of fracking, which said, “It’s time to give shale a chance” and claimed it would create jobs.

The judicial code of conduct states a judge’s impartiality may be questioned if family members are “politically active” or have “financial interest” in the outcome of a case.

Lawyers for the protesters are trying to overturn their sentences. Loizou’s mum Sharron, 62, told the Mirror: “I was completely shocked when he was jailed, the sentence is incredibly harsh. We were expecting community service or a suspended sentence.

“It’s quite scary that in this country you can be jailed for a peaceful protest.”

The protesters climbed on to the roofs of lorries taking drilling equipment to a Cuadrilla fracking site in Little Plumpton, Lancashire, in July 2017. They refused to come down for between 45 and 84 hours, causing disruption and costing the firm £50,000.

Soil scientist Blevins and piano restorer Roberts were given 16-month jail terms while teacher Loizou got 15 months last month.

Sentencing at Preston crown court, Judge Altham said: “Only immediate custody can achieve sufficient punishment.”

The judge’s parents John and Linda, 86 and 84, are *directors of J.C. Altham & Sons.

His sister Jane, 54, is managing director of the firm, which supplies ships’ stores, including food, tools, rigging equipment and clothes. The firm’s website says it is a “specialist supplier to offshore gas and oil platforms”.

Three oil rigs in the East Irish Sea – near Altham’s base at Heysham, Lancs – belong to British Gas owner Centrica, which has ploughed tens of millions of pounds into fracking firm Cuadrilla.

In 2015 Jane’s name and that of her firm appeared on an open letter backed by 119 businesses.

It urged Lancashire County Council to permit fracking and create a “£33billion supply chain”.

The campaign was led by North West Energy Task Force, which allegedly received financial support from Cuadrilla and Centrica. The NWETF was later rebranded as lobbying group *Lancashire For Shale.

LFS has praised Judge Altham’s decision saying: “Justice was served effectively.”

But more than 200 academics signed an open letter calling for a judicial review of the “absurdly harsh” sentence. About 200 supporters of the trio marched outside HMP Preston, where they are being held, at the weekend. The trio’s lawyers have approached the Court of Appeal and asked for an expedited hearing.

It means they could be freed within weeks if Judge Altham’s sentencing decision is ruled unsafe. Kirsty Brimelow QC, of Doughty Street Chambers, has taken their cases pro-bono. She said: “These men should not be in prison at all, the sentence is manifestly excessive.”

Judges are expected to tell defence and *prosecution lawyers if they feel their impartiality in a case may be called into question.

A spokesman for the Judges’ Council said: “There are longstanding principles, set out in case law, which guide how judges approach possible conflicts of interest. They ensure that when hearing a case, a judge will be mindful of possible conflicts of interest and can draw relevant matters to the attention of parties in the case.”

Judge Altham did not wish to add anything to the Judges’ Council’s statement.

Sister Jane, a former police officer whose husband Stephen is the Chief Constable of South *Yorkshire Police, declined to comment today.
Fucking disgusting and everything the legal system of any civilised country should stand against. If he had a shred of honour he'd step down immediately, and be struck off the register. Don't these people swear an oath to prevent this exact kind of practice?
Fucking disgusting and everything the legal system of any civilised country should stand against. If he had a shred of honour he'd step down immediately, and be struck off the register. Don't these people swear an oath to prevent this exact kind of practice?

I agree but the higher echelons are as bent as a nine bob note...That's how they stay there. Fact of life I'm afraid.
Don't want to get into a row Phil but I'd like to point out that everything you warn will happen in this Country if we leave the EU and the rich get a grip...... Is already happening and probably common practise.

Yep will leave debate about Brexit for other threads. 😉
Yep will leave debate about Brexit for other threads. 😉

Looks like the attempt to stall the fracking on H and S grounds has failed so the money men win again..... Oh yeah, and the icing on the cake. apparantly there's a recommendation being tabled to give top Judges a 30 % ( 60k ? ) payrise because of a low application rate..... It just gets better and better.. 🙂
A DESCENDANT of a Lancashire Witch Trial Judge is following in his relative’s footsteps exactly 400 years later – as a judge himself.
Got to keep us plebs under control, head down and keep paying your taxes, just a rigged game the Cons the Lib liers and the Liebours,you think you have freedom of choice, you have no choice,

Yep, that's democracy in this Country.. An illussion. Amazing how many still fall for it though.
The wife just said 'the earth just moved' as we has a 'cuddle' on the rug in front of the log fire ............. bit chuffed really 🙂

Well it should be moving now, they're well underway with it, at least nobber can take comfort from the knowledge that his gas supply won't run out this winter 😀
Well it should be moving now, they're well underway with it, at least nobber can take comfort from the knowledge that his gas supply won't run out this winter 😀

And he can drink radioactive water direct from his own tap within months.
biggsy;n3394751 said:
Democracy at It's finest, Twats.


Make out that local communities have a say knowing that any "wrong" choice they decide upon will be instantly overturned. The rich must have their rights to ride roughshod over the rest if us and add enormously to their obscene wealth (with the help of generous public funding) protected at all costs.

What's the priority here - clean, safe drinking water for the whole population or huge profits for the privileged few?

Going backwards fast under the Tories as you'd expect.
How ironic for the Tories flagship event "Green Great Britain Week" to begin with an extension to fossil fuel extraction with the commencement of fracking.

More "Greed Great Britain" than Green I'd say.
The ignorance on the subject is astounding and the amount of stupidity on show amusing.