Palestine should be split in two, how Israel managed to rename the whole of Palestine 'Israel' without being stopped is beyond me. The Northern Part to include Haifa, Tel Aviv should be Israel, with the South to include part of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip should be Palestine, Israel should be responsible for the costs of rebuilding the towns they have bombed into rubble, Gaza City etc.
A major port should be built to serve Palestine, and an international airport, Jerusalem should be part of Palestine, with the Israelis given free movement to visit holy places, the same for Palestinians, free access to holy places in Bethlehem and Nazareth. For a few years, a peace-keeping force should be stationed in the land, and both sides should be made to stop attacks. A big ask and very complicated to oversee, but as it is now, it is totally decided by Israel, with total disregard for the Palestinians, it appears that total annihilation of the Palestinians is their aim.
The Jews were given the land to settle and create a homeland for themselves, since 1948, they have taken over the whole of Palestine by force, and treat the Arabs as sub-humans, killing and kicking them out of their homes. Enough is enough, the rest of the world needs to get tough with the Israelis and stop their murderous campaign and aggression towards the peoples that have lived there for thousands of years, the Israelis are newcomers and do not own the land, they were allowed to settle there by the US and the Brits after the 2nd world war. They should be thankful and grateful for that.