Confirmed More games moved for TV

Sky are doing their best ( aided and abetted by footballs authorities and clubs) to ruin football as a sport for genuine supporters. There will be ever smaller crowds with more and more watching on TV. 🙁

I’ve posted this before & I’ll probably post it again - the Clubs have sold the fans completely down the river with this TV deal.

They are just as culpable as Sky. In some ways more so as Sky will say they pay the money they can do what they want.
One of the main consequences of this is that kids who play football or other sports Saturday morning can’t get to the lunchtime kick offs. Knock on effect they watch Man City/Liverpool etc on tv and fall out of love with PNE.
Also the impact on season ticket sales will be felt next year. There’s so many games that me and my son can’t make due to other commitments that we may as well pick and choose games and pay full price.
Perfect, 2 games i wouldnt normally get to see I can now watch on TV. Whats not to like?

Good thing with the Burnley 12.30 KO, for sky, is that it saves the Police forcing that change on us.
Neither of these sides battered us in the corresponding game’s this season

I got laid into for trying to put just a slightly positive slant on things.
We’ve clearly got defensive problems though.
To be fair our tv games haven’t turned out too badly so far but I can understand why posters are apprehensive.