Old pictures

That day must have been so bitter sweet, celebrating the great player but realising you’d never see his like again. Alongside seeing Otis Redding in concert, seeing Finney play would be my great wish if I could travel back in time.

Seeing us win the 1938 FA Cup final would me mine, along with seeing Queen live in concert
Was thinking Stockport away was a Thursday. Went with my dad who was bored by football and couldn't wait to leave.

Monday night, I was there ….. October 20th 1986

I was also there in 1989 when we beat them 4-2 in the DAF Cup just about 3 days after we lost to Whitley Bay in the FA Cup , there was about 100 of us there that night…..
Stockport away was indeed on a Monday night and a 3-1 win, after losing at home on the Saturday. I think Oshor Williams got one or possibly two of our goals against his former club. Remember it well as it was a local game for me.

It was the game when we’d loaned big Vernon Allott to them, he was allowed to play and got into a fight with Alex Jones, they should both have walked. Went straight to a college do after the game at somewhere dodgy like The Gatsby or Cherry Tree!
Monday night, I was there ….. October 20th 1986

I was also there in 1989 when we beat them 4-2 in the DAF Cup just about 3 days after we lost to Whitley Bay in the FA Cup , there was about 100 of us there that night…..

I always remember that game in 1986 , when we arrived at Stockport station on the special train we were walking over the bridge out of the station when a big 6 foot something copper grabbed me , pinned me against the bridge and said “ I don’t want any trouble from you tonight, just remember that you are in a big city now “

It must have been my Italian Combat Jacket that spooked him ….. 😂😂
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Stockport away was indeed on a Monday night and a 3-1 win, after losing at home on the Saturday. I think Oshor Williams got one or possibly two of our goals against his former club. Remember it well as it was a local game for me.

I went to.this game too, seem to remember JT was "injured" and Steve Taylor scored a couple.However its also possible i am completly wrong.
It was the game when we’d loaned big Vernon Allott to them, he was allowed to play and got into a fight with Alex Jones, they should both have walked. Went straight to a college do after the game at somewhere dodgy like The Gatsby or Cherry Tree!
No doubt a stipulation of the loan was that Big Vern HAD to play against PNE. 🤔
I went to.this game too, seem to remember JT was "injured" and Steve Taylor scored a couple.However its also possible i am completly wrong.

I think that John McGrath really wanted Taylor to replace JT and many fans didn’t quite take to Taylor becasue of that, JT was immensely popular. That didn’t become an issue because Taylor broke his arm not long after - at Northampton from memory - and that was it for him. JT carried on and he and Brazil were supported by young Nigel Jemson.