Yep more the service than anything else and lack of other foods available for the likes of vegetarians etcI don't think there's much wrong with the actual pies, their made in Preston, and bought off a Preston company, its how their warmed up, burnt to death , and people are charged a fortune for shocking service, thats the issue.
Tbh if you want a good pie go to deans, you don't go on north end for a good pint or a good pie you go to see your team smash the shit out of a team/be part of something to be proud of cause you love preston north end
So let’s take stock.
Appreciate that there are lots of different views on what fan groups can achieve through Fan Engagement.
Prior to 2 years ago, the club after PSG had unfortunately ceased, weren’t talking to any organised fan groupings. They hadn’t done for a number of years. It was case of individuals contacting the club and largely getting nowhere. You have to look at “he who can’t be named” to see how affective that is
We were the only football club in the Championship to not have a supporters group, forum or podcast recognised by the FSA
PSC managed to get the club to the table and establish some sort of structured dialogue and then working with the forum and other podcasts were able to come forward and speak to the owner of the club via the open letter that was sent last year.
It is clear that now is the time to develop the engagement that club has to include a broader range of supporters and work together. That’s why a proposal was put forward to the club recently and was discussed again last night.
This includes the use of forums, webinars and the creation of a Shadow Fan Board/Committee that is broader than what we have in place now.
We are heading in the right direction in terms of how fans engage with the club and as I’ve said previously in another post, there is no going back.
Thanks, appreciate the kind wordsKeep up the thankless task fella ( and it really must be at times )......... The mere fact that you are prepared to deal with a pathological liar ( no names mentioned ) then you deserve a medal not criticism. There's an old saying that I've rewritten because we are all different.
"You can't please all of the people all of the time but you can please some of the people some of the time "..And I reckon you're efforts do just that and will always be true unless you can persuade then to chuck a good few million on team improvements and investment but of course they won't let you so victories ( however large or small ) are always welcome. 👍
You forgot to mention how level headed and reasonable every single member of this forum is.And how we never fall out with one another. 😇As a add on to this and please allow me to go on a tangent slightly.
PNE Online is more than just a fans forum.
PNE Online is a community - The Gentry Match being a great example, whilst the lashers lot bicker and fight we crack on, even if it means having to tolerate @Ando60 endless hatrick stories and @raefil contradicting himself daily 😉
How many fans forums get planning permission for a training ground that never gets built 😉
I will always do my best to represent our community, whether that be through charity engagement, media engagement, fans events, working with the club on certain projects and more recently the flags/atmosphere work. We currently have a website under development to plow on with this.
I am unaware of any other football forum that is funded by its members and is add free - there are not many fans forums left to be fair as the football clubs do their best to close them down.
We will work with ALL Supporters groups, whether that be PSC, NES, or any new groups, PNE need as many as we can get to hold the club to account on EVERY aspect of what they do.
We would be delighted to play a role in any supporters board, I think we are the only affiliated member of the FSA that is a forum and will engage anyway we can.
Personally I want to see big changes at PNE but we can only do that if we stick together as fans, I was pissed off with the comment that the forum is shows "hatred" towards PSC - that simply isn't true and I called it out. Sav has kindly responded and all is well, at the same time I get irked when people slam PSC for baning on about pies....
Anyway I guess the point I am making is that..
It is OUR club and they are the custodians of the club any supporters groups, communities, and fans in general are vital to stop them getting away with all sorts.
You mean Heathcotes likley replacement will actually make them edible?
We WILL get better pies @JK 😜
Always liked what they do at Huddersfield me, any pies etc left at the end they sell them off for a £1 as your walking outJust having some left to sell after half an hour would be a major improvement.
Always liked what they do at Huddersfield me, any pies etc left at the end they sell them off for a £1 as your walking out
I’d like to say thanks to PSC for their efforts so far to engage with the club and make the fan experience better.
Any improvements in the match day experience have come as a direct result of the constructive, cooperative dialogue between the club and the PSC.
Namely - splitting the Kop, discounted STs in successive seasons and most recently Gentry’s Bar. None of that happens without PSCs influence.
This thread alone is proof that the people who give up their spare time to run supporters groups have a truly thankless task.
I feel sorry for whoever it is giving up their own time for no money, trying to make the fan experience better.
Only to get loads of the standard crap from the usual arseholes on here and other platforms - themselves offering no actual help in the real world.
There is nothing stopping those who want to topple the clubs ownership creating their own pressure group or arranging a protest.
PSC - keep up the good work. You are clearly powerless when it comes to taking the club to task over what happens on the playing side, and the budget set aside for it.
Keep plugging away, gradually improving the area of the football club you can actually have any influence over - ie, the match day experience.
You’re doing a good job.
Might as-well get rid ain't you than them sitting there until week after or throwing themI remember vaguely that we went through a stage where they came out and threw/handed them into the crowd in the second half........ Someone with a better memory than me would have to say what era but I'll go for Graysons time.
It would be utterly pointless asking loads of questions about the transfer policy, they will never reveal what they real plan is regarding it and will just give the same answers.I’d ease it somewhat if they actually asked questions on pressing matters. Who supplies the pies at Deepdale is not one of them. I concede it may well be very difficult, and you’d get questions that won’t be answered or spun by the spin doctor himself.
To improve match-day experiences, it starts on the pitch. Once you nail that the best you can, focus on things like catering. Seems to me, they want to be part of an exclusive group that gets into bed with the club, and the pressing matters that need answering aren’t questioned so that position isn’t compromised.
The flag bit is a more at the club than yourself. Why you’d spend time and money, and hope other fans spend money to improve things, when the club won’t spend a penny themselves to improve things on or off the pitch. Like funding a relationship with a spouse when their hearts aren’t in it hoping for change.
PSC are trying to win winnable battles and they're doing a good job of it. Besides I'm pretty sure PSC do challenge the club's transfer policy and the quality of fooball on display.
Yep more the service than anything else and lack of other foods available for the likes of vegetarians etc
I asked this at the meeting in November and was told that the club see the land at Ingol as an asset and open to what could be done with it in the future, nothing has changed on that front as far as I know.Did the question of having 3 training grounds come up and the potential £££££ that could be raised by developing at least one of them into housing?
Pointless trying to attract those who have not renewed in the past 5 years but as of yet (aside from pricing) have done bugger all to try and ensure the 4000 that returned or bought for the first time renew this time around.Have all the ST holders been contacted re next season's offer, have those who have not renewed over the last 5 or so years been contacted to try and tempt them back?
Until the open fans forums return this club and those who try and engage with it will always remain in the dark re the goings on inside PNE, Ridsdale wouldn't give you the steam off his piss (well maybe by WhatsApp) as he continues to feather his own nest and lord it on the EFL board.
Well you’ve not given me stick so I’ll take that as progressgranted we now have a proper fans bar instead of a tent, and .....................................................................................................with the signage seemingly put on the oustide of the windows!!!!!!!!!
Nothing will be offered to any fans group re finances, players contracts, signings etc and rightly so.
Did the question of having 3 training grounds come up and the potential £££££ that could be raised by developing at least one of them into housing?
Have all the ST holders been contacted re next season's offer, have those who have not renewed over the last 5 or so years been contacted to try and tempt them back?
Until the open fans forums return this club and those who try and engage with it will always remain in the dark re the goings on inside PNE, Ridsdale wouldn't give you the steam off his piss (well maybe by WhatsApp) as he continues to feather his own nest and lord it on the EFL board.
Good effort chaps but no real point IMHO.
I always used to think anyone could attend but assumed the club would have a limit on numbers depending on the size of the venue. Hopefully someone can correct me if I'm wrong. I'm 100% interested in attending though now and it's not something I've ever wanted to go to.Never been my thing, but should a fans forum ever happen, how do you get yourself in?
Is it invite only? Apologies for the naiveness on this front, but I’ve never really been that interested. However, the past 24 months has changed my tune on this.
The house is on fire, they’re stood with a fire extinguisher, but hoping it goes out itself rather than use the tool they have.
Well you’ve not given me stick so I’ll take that as progress