From the outset it was clear that once all the data was in they would have an idea of risk according to age and vulnerabilities.
People could then have been advised accordingly. For example, a threshold of 60 years old might have been chosen for compulsory vaccination and then aside from those with conditions which made them vulnerable, everyone else could choose.
The hysteria when myself and others shared this opinion was unnerving.
I'm pretty much in your corner in all this ( I wasn't jabbed through choice ) but I'm not fond of that word as I would have been only a year away from 60 at the time and if it had happened I'd have been rather peeved. At the time I really wasn't keen on the general feeling that you were a selfish chunt if you went unjabbed either.
Only the vulnerable should have had the option of free vaccinations in my view ( at whatever age )............ Eg...Personally speaking a few years on and I still don't consider myself " vulnerable " and saw no need for it then or now.