UK Energy Crisis

He's a paid up member of the cabal. When asked which he preferred Davos or Westminster he replied without any hesitation "Davos" I believe he is a long standing member of the Tri Lateral Commission an organisation committed to achieving technocratic goals. If you think tame global government run by billionaires and some very weird people is the answer to our problems, he is your man !

It comes down to this way of thinking idea that if someone wears a vaguely "red shirt.. a colour I wear myself this must make them inherently better and worthy of my vote than someone who doesn't".. or vice versa. I'm afraid the world isn't that simple. There are people with very ugly objectives on both sides of the political divide... and vice versa.
Is it trousers that you wear as red?

Scares me people in red trousers, just not right!
Judge for yourself but I don't think he is talking about the winter sports opportunities. At Davos "you can meet people you can see yourself working with in the future". Call me suspicious but what would he be working with these nutjobs and billionaires on ?

Sounds to me, he is referring to locations, and saying that Westminster is a shit place to be to discuss politics. I would say that too, what an awful place the House of Commons is, it is like something from the19th century, full of ignorant idiots playing at politics, waiting for the bars to open to wallow in cut-price drinks, then fill their stomachs with subsidised food. It is a playground to get away from the outside world, a safe haven to meet people that can probably enhance your bank balance for services rendered, a cess pit of snakes and rats, not the sort of place to discuss serious politics.

If I was Starmer it would be Davos for me too.
Sounds to me, he is referring to locations, and saying that Westminster is a shit place to be to discuss politics. I would say that too, what an awful place the House of Commons is, it is like something from the19th century, full of ignorant idiots playing at politics, waiting for the bars to open to wallow in cut-price drinks, then fill their stomachs with subsidised food. It is a playground to get away from the outside world, a safe haven to meet people that can probably enhance your bank balance for services rendered, a cess pit of snakes and rats, not the sort of place to discuss serious politics.

If I was Starmer it would be Davos for me too.

I watch Politics Live generally each lunchtime but increasingly skip Wednesdays PMQs. IMO, they should bin it. Its just too embarrassing and demeaning to us, the general public. It would be better if the PM was questioned on his own by the general public each week, preferably by older children who will bear the brunt of todays short term politically motivated policies. No notice of the questions. No attendance of other Mps, just civil servants to help him answer. Any questions not answered to be repeated until a proper answer is given
Sounds to me, he is referring to locations, and saying that Westminster is a shit place to be to discuss politics. I would say that too, what an awful place the House of Commons is, it is like something from the19th century, full of ignorant idiots playing at politics, waiting for the bars to open to wallow in cut-price drinks, then fill their stomachs with subsidised food. It is a playground to get away from the outside world, a safe haven to meet people that can probably enhance your bank balance for services rendered, a cess pit of snakes and rats, not the sort of place to discuss serious politics.

If I was Starmer it would be Davos for me too.

At the risk of reopening the Brexit debate I think Brexit has exposed the poor state of our politics and politicians (I believed it would do this) but I believe the answer is to replace this lot with genuine politicians of conviction. The rot set in with both parties HQs approving candidates for selection and they chose a bunch of "yes" men.

I don't agree that ceding power to another unelected trans national organisation is the answer to the poor state of our national politics.