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UK Politics

If and when this becomes law, you can guarantee the costs - applications, medical and legal advice, travel and accomodation arrangements, will sky rocket because there will already be businesses wondering how they can make big money out of all this.
My Father in Law died at home from cancer, and he lasted roughly the time he was told he'd have, sadly his last couple of weeks were horrific, he was in agony and then the nurses rigged him up to the anticipatory pack where he sank into a coma then 3 days later his body gave up through dehydration, there's arguments for both sides, I wouldn't want to go through that.

Personally I think the only " safe ish " way to help someone terminal and suffering is the induced coma until the functions give up...... Other than that I believe this question is unanswerable
If anyone watched the debate of the assisted dying bill in parliament today you'll have seen the best of parliament. Passionate, respectful and dignified debate... None of that braying and shouting over each other. Party politics out the window... What our parliament should be like more often imo.

Yes, it was a very good debate which I enjoyed listening to. Spoiled only by the usual suspects ..
James Cleverly 'argued' that if the bill was so good, why didn’t we extend it to children. Jenrick used his opportunity to have another go at ECHR. Adnan Hussain, to shouts of 'shame' suggested we had already started assisted dying by removing the winter fuel allowance.
But on the whole, yes, a terrific debate.
Tax Tax Tax..... When discussing " inheritance tax " we automatically round on the rich but they've already found a way round it so what's the point other than "political noise"?.

When tax has already been paid on a lifetime of work then why on earth should it be paid again ?

The wealthy can afford ways round it but the rest of us can't............. Great way of keeping the Barons in the manner they are accustomed to and the plebs down.

I believe that " inheritance" has fuck all to do with the state because the state has already been paid.

If we are to tax the rich dodgers then do it by all means but lets find a way that doesn't affect/drag the rest of us into it... Most of us have been" straight" all our lives.
Politicians are the very well paid defenders of the hierarchy ( blue bloods ) and will do it for all they are worth in order to preserve their own status............. Does no one else see the similarity between us, Ridsdale and the owners of PNE? 😀
I like to think that if I was ever to inherit more than £325,000 I wouldn't quibble about paying tax on the amount above the threshold (might be easy for me to say that though, as I will never inherit that much).

I suppose if it's just a big lump of cash then no-one can really have any quibble and it's all pretty straightforward - get the cash, pay your tax. But inheriting property, a business, the family home, tangible assets, is when it gets complicated, and hopefully has been in the planning for many years prior.

As much as I think this petition doing the rounds is a load of bollocks , it’s amazing what the pressure of 3 million signatures can do.
another lying bitch aka Politician ousted.

As much as I think this petition doing the rounds is a load of bollocks , it’s amazing what the pressure of 3 million signatures can do.

for me, fucking waffle....got bored lsitening - they guys giving lip service, nothing will get done unless there is an uprising and their hand is forced.

As much as I think this petition doing the rounds is a load of bollocks , it’s amazing what the pressure of 3 million signatures can do.

these figures were well before the petition and before this govt was in place
We had Brexit, we were told that would close the borders, which it did, to europeans, the Tories, instead decided to replace that immigration, as many predicted, with people mainly from the sub continent of India.

Ive said elsewhere there is no short term fix but that fix has to start now and thats by investing in proper training for our own people. Without that happening then we will see immigration staying at these very high levels for a long time to come.

Its not far right to say so, its what the immigration debate should be about. Instead people have focussed on the realtively few that have arrived by small boats, which has not helped sensible and real discussion one bit.

Immigration, on this scale is not only not good for us but its also not good for the nations that are losing some of their much needed skilled workers.

Long term its a lose, lose situation.

However the debate has done properly and I think Starmer has opened that debate quite well.
Have to admit that Id never heard of them before this.

My only concern with them and I’ve expressed it to mates who attend their gigs etc is that they can be misinterpreted. Art always can. The young, the impressionable and the just not very bright may just look at the surface. Read the lyrics, listen to them talk and they don’t have hatred, they parody it. They’re on the wind-up, having fun but in this case they’re making a point. You want freedom? Well that includes freedom for people you don’t like.

The misinterpretation is not dissimilar to young people listening to a politician talking about the problems with immigration and thinking that this justifies their irrational dislike for people who are racially or culturally different. It’s the same mistranslation.
It's a non-story, whether they did it 20 days before the announcement or 20 days after it, they rules are still the same

You’re correct, but no chance you’d show such leniency and understanding if it was a Tory MP with a Tory govt.