What's On Guide: Cinema

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Re: What's On Guide: Cinema

i RECCOMMMEND hostage <--- ACE FILM ... BEST IVE CIN IN AGES...!!! 😀
Tenacious D Pick of Destiny - very good. Jack Black is better in this than he was in School of Rock. It is a very funny film and I highly recommend it.
dont go and watch mr bean unless you have small kids, you'll fall asleep its that predictable. borat still is best film 😀
I recommend 'Marley and Me' Out this week,

I went away with a friend and her mum and dad this time last year and we all took reading material with us, mine being 'waiting for glory' of course. My friend however doesn't read books and has never finished a book through choice in her life. Her dad set her a challenge for the holiday, Read an entire book and he'd give her a 100quid. We found Marley and Me in our apartment and she read it. Jammy shit.
One day on the holiday I was reading the paper and saw an article about the filming of Marley and Me. Very odd.
I watched The Curious Case of Benjamin Button a few weeks ago was pretty good but took ages for Brad Pitt to get fit though and quite long winded also, running time was 166 min 😱

Also watched Gran Torino the other week absolutley loved it Clint Eastwood is a legend ....the ending wasnt what I expected ...I would definatley recommend it though 🙂
I took my daughter last Saturday (07/03) to watch Bolt, what a cracking film I.... I mean SHE loved it. Seriously it is a good film though.

I don''t know if any of you knew but if you take a child to Vue/Odean on a Sat/Sun @ 11:00am (Kids club) you're child gets in for £1.75 and you get in free (1 adult per 1 paying child).

You can only watch the movie of the cinema's choice but still it's better than paying £23 like i did on Saturday.

All he details are on the cinema's websites.
I watched The Curious Case of Benjamin Button a few weeks ago was pretty good but took ages for Brad Pitt to get fit though and quite long winded also, running time was 166 min 😱

Was pretty good wasn't it. You did keep asking me, 'why isn't he fit yet?'

I liked the 7 lightening bits the best.